As an applicant for C.Tech. or C.E.T. certification, you must pass either the Professional Practice Exam (PPE) or the Internationally Educated Professional Practice Exam (IEPPE) to ensure awareness of your legal and ethical responsibilities to the public, employers and yourself. Writing the PPE/IEPPE enables you to meet the high professional standards set by OACETT in the area of law, ethics and professional practice.
If all requirements for technician are satisfied and you pass the PPE, you will receive your C.Tech. certification. Applicants for C.E.T. receive their C.Tech. certification on their journey to C.E.T.
When you have met all the certification requirements identified in your File Review Report, including the PPE and the Technology Report (if required) you will receive a letter from the Registrar informing you of your new status as a certified OACETT member. At this time, you may begin to use your new OACETT title. We will send your certificate and publish your name in The Ontario Technologist magazine. You will also have the ability print your membership card on the member portal.
You will be eligible for all benefits reserved for certified members, which besides the right to use one of the protected titles and designations, C.E.T. or C.Tech., allows you to purchase a technology ring and certified member identification stamp.
The PPE/IEPPE are online, on demand, multiple choice exams written with a live online proctor. Ontario students have the option to write the PPE in-class at their college if applicable. The exams are self-study and are based on:
All study materials are included in an eBook to which you will be given 6 months access when you register for the exam. The eBook can be downloaded and printed.
If you are a student or you completed your education in Canada, you will take the PPE. If you completed your education outside of Canada and have not completed your one year of Canadian work experience, you will take the IEPPE.
The PPE has three sections: Law, Ethics and Practice. The IEPPE has four parts: Law, Ethics, Practice, and Enhanced Practice.
You must pass each section of the PPE/IEPPE to be successful on the overall exam. If you fail one or more sections, you will only need to rewrite the failed section(s). The PPE is three (3) hours long. The IEPPE is three and a half (3.5) hours long.
Exam results will be posted within the OACETT Member Portal. Log into the portal here. Scroll down the homepage and click on the blue 'Register for PPE/IEPPE and Seminars and Purchase Extensions' button.
If you would like to schedule to write your exam AFTER September 30, please wait until October 2, to do so. Note that no exams can be written on October 1.
The IEPPE and IEPPE seminar are for OACETT members who completed their education outside of Canada and have not completed at least one year of Canadian work experience. The IEPPE is completed online with a live online proctor.
Create or log in to your OACETT Portal account. From the home page, select the "Register for PPE/IEPPE and Seminars" button at the bottom of the page.
Purchase the PPE or IEPPE Package.
If you would like to take the optional online seminar, select the PPE or IEPPE Online Seminar when you make your purchase.
When you purchase the PPE or IEPPE Package, you will receive an Exam Access Code (EAC) in the email receipt you received from our vendor, Captus after you purchased the PPE or IEPPE package. DO NOT LOSE IT. You will need this code to write the exam.
If you are writing the exam with the online proctor, the following are suitable locations in which to complete the exam:
If you are a student taking the exam at your college, your professor will provide you with the exam location information.
The following are physical requirements of your exam space:
If our online proctor detects any of the above activities, the OACETT Registrar will be notified and you may have your exam results voided.
With this purchase you will have access to the PPE or IEPPE study materials in a printable, downloadable eBook format for six months plus one complete exam session (3 hours).
Fee: $255.00 + $15.60 HST = $270.60
This purchase is for those who have failed one or more sections of the PPE or IEPPE. With this purchase you will have access to the PPE or IEPPE study materials in a printable, downloadable eBook format for six months plus one complete exam session (3 hours).
Fee: $160.00 + $00.00 HST = $160.00